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How much is Disengagement costing you? And your clients?


What is the Cost of Employee Disengagement?

A study by McLean & Company found some compelling correlations between bottom-line business metrics and employee disengagement:

A disengaged employee costs an organization approximately $3,400 for every $10,000 in annual salary [meaning 34% of payroll is lost]

Disengaged employees cost the American economy up to $350 billion per year due to lost productivity [roughly the equivalent of the South African GDP in 2019]

How Bad is it?

In their “State of the Global Workplace” Gallup states that “Across 142 countries in which Gallup measured employee engagement, 13% of employees are engaged in their jobs, while 63% are not engaged and 24% are actively disengaged.” (insights from

How Can ORSC Team Coaching Help?

Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching is a program accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Proven globally over the last 10 years, ORSC systems coaching has helped many teams and groups build better employee engagement.

Clients adopting the approach also report many other benefits, such as:

  • Creating and embedding their desired culture

  • Improved alignment on their most important priorities

  • Achievement of their most ambitious goals

According to the ICF, one-on-one executive and leadership coaching has been helpful in many organisations. Their research shows that 86% of organizations saw an ROI on their Coaching engagements.

ORSC team coaching makes it possible to multiply such benefits 8 to 10 times by focusing on teams and organisations, helping them to shift from where they are to a desired state together. Applying the principle that “Every voice is a voice of the system” is central to increasing engagement, and impacting the bottom line.

Click here to learn how ORSC can help you grow engagement in your client organisations, teams and communities. Click here to register your interest in attending, or request more information (no obligation).

​One of our recent alumni from our advanced ORSC coach training series, Eva Gush, says:

“From being a one-on-one coach, I am now quite comfortable coaching a team or group with the simple, adaptable and yet profound ORSC tools I learnt from the advanced courses. Clients have also called me back to work with their teams.”

Proven Over 10 Years and in Different Continents …

ICF Accredited Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching has helped many teams and groups build better employee engagement. And overcome many other team or group challenges and achieve their goals. Even the hairy and audacious ones. One -on-one coaching has been very helpful in many organisations. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) reports from their research that: 86% of organizations saw an ROI on their Coaching engagements. Executive coaching requires a significant investment and as such is usually reserved for a few people. What if you could expand access to 8 times or 21 times more than the individual receiving Executive Coaching. ORSC, with its simple yet profound tools, makes this possible. And you get to have teams or groups shift from where they are to a desired state together.


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