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WEBINAR: Creating Safety in a Goal-Obsessed World

Creating psychologically safe working spaces is not a simple ‘plug-and-play’ scenario. There needs to be clear intent, with explicit priority, involving everyone.

In safe workplaces:

  1. people are encouraged to contribute,

  2. there is an appreciation and desire for diverse views,

  3. constructive challenge is welcomed, and

  4. team norms are co-created.

What often gets in the way is the pressure of a goal-orientated and highly competitive world. The expectation is that people "just grow up" or need to “toughen up”.

The benefits of psychologically safe workplaces indicate that it is worth the investment because there is:

- increase in employee engagement

- greater sense of belonging

- decree in staff turnover

- greater resilience and mental health

- high innovation and faster problem solving

- high inclusion intelligence

- increased productivity

Safety in a team cannot be created by the leader alone. It is best created through and by everyone in the team collectively, so that every team's unique constellation of people and work situation is honoured.

Join hosts Refiloe and Klaus, Directors of CRR Afrika, in this webinar in which we will explore systems inspired principles and proven processes that are effective in enabling and empowering teams to create psychological safe workplaces.

16 Nov 2021 at 13:00-14:30 [CAT- Central Africa Time]

You will take away:

  • universal principles of systemic team effectiveness

  • a process that helps teams find alignment around safety

  • ideas of what is working in various organisations

  • insights on where to start, even in teams that have low trust or high conflict at the moment

Click on this ZOOM Link to register. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

More on 2021

As the sun sets on the first full year for our newly-formed entity, we have much to celebrate. Klaus, Ronnie, Refiloe and Cecil invite all our fellow ORSC travellers to raise a metaphorical glass with us, as we acknowledge a few meaningful moments.

  • Creation of our entity to receive from Mish Middelmann, with his ever-generous support, the baton of ORSC training for coaches and systems leaders in Africa. Our journey has been exciting and also challenging, and we are grateful to be part of the global CRR community. It is a relationship system rich with heartfelt commitment to being in right relationship, and not just teaching it.

  • Alignment on our values, which we cherish as an inspirational touchstone for our work, and the way we relate with each other and our wider community. We embrace LOVE, UBUNTU and GROWTH as foundational to everything we are and do. As we live these values, our high dream is to realise our purpose “A Flourishing Africa through Right Relationship”

  • Clarification of our outer roles, with Klaus in the holding the role of managing our entity, Ronnie as custodian of our financial oxygen, Refiloe as curator of seamless operations, and Cecil the teller of our stories.

  • Delivery of rich ORSC learning experiences in 4 Fundamentals courses, one joint Advanced Series with our UK partners, and the first two modules of our first all-Afrika Advanced Series. Feedback from our participants consistently highlights the warmth, the depth and the practicable insights they experience.

  • Strengthening of relationships with the wider coaching community and the ORSC Africa family in particular, with many hours of rich conversation under our proverbial African Acacia.



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