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Organisation & Relationship Systems Coaching

Our ORSC course explores a groundbreaking model for coaching teams, families, couples and organisations.


Whether your area of practice is leadership, personal coaching, family therapy or business/team coaching, the ORSC model will change the way you work!


Our ORSC course has 5 modules that require completion in order to obtain the certification.

Our Fundamentals Course is your first module when starting your journey with Organisation & Relationship Systems Coaching.

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ORSC Fundamentals - Module 1 

Every student begins their ORSCjourney into the series by taking one of two courses, Fundamentals of ORSC or ORS@Work (Organisation & Relationship Systems at Work).

These various entry point trainings are based on the same set of skills and principles. 

Once students have completed any of the above introductory course, they are eligible to enter into the ORSC series.

ORSC Advanced Series - Modules 2-5 

Start Advanced Series here:

The ORSC Advanced Series offers you a full professional skillset for both systemic team coaching and personal relationship coaching. Forward-thinking leaders develop the practical mastery of a style of inclusive transformational leadership that goes beyond command and control.

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