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ORSC Intermediate Series
(Modules 2-5)

Start the ORSC Intermediate Series here:

The ORSC Intermediate Series offers you a full professional skillset for both systemic team coaching and personal relationship coaching. Forward-thinking leaders develop the practical mastery of a style of inclusive transformational leadership that goes beyond command and control.


Relationship System Intelligence

Organisational and relationship systems training is built on Relationship Systems Intelligence (RSI)TM. Here are some of the key components of RSI:


  • RSI is the ability to maximise one’s relationship with a group, team or system and to relate to it as a whole. Teams with higher RSI are more productive and report greater team cohesion and satisfaction than teams with lower RSI. (Offerman, Bailey et al 2004).

  • RSI involves the ability to move from seeing a group of individuals to seeing the system itself, as a living breathing entity. We call this the Third Entity™.

  • Conflict is not seen as a problem, but is seen as a signal that change is needed in the system. Conflict is handled skilfully as a midwife to constructive change. It’s not about “who is doing what to whom”; it’s about “what is trying to happen.”

  • RSI includes the ability to read the emotional field of the system and accurately identify the emotional climate in a given situation. Once the system is revealed to itself it can begin to self-correct.

  • RSI requires deep democracy (Arnold Mindell 2002). Deep democracy is the practice of recognising that all voices in a relationship system need to be heard – including the unpopular ones – as they are a part of the knowledge pool of the system. Every voice carries data, information and wisdom in some way for that system. People with high RSI seek out multiple inputs from the system and are not threatened by differences – essential for leading in diverse societies.

  • Everyone is a voice of the system. The ability to shift from a personal perspective (“it’s Larry’s opinion)” to a systems perspective (”Larry is expressing something that lives in the system and it’s not personal”) is a cornerstone of high Relationship Systems Intelligence™.

Systems Intelligence
(Module 2)

ORSC Intermediate Module 2: Systems Intelligence 

The first module of the Advanced Series is all about navigating complex change. This goes way beyond simple “change management” – for survival in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous “VUCA” world we are looking for leaders and coaches who are steeped in systems awareness and really take advantage of their people’s ability to generate new solutions.



One of the following:

  • ORSC Fundamentals (see above)

  • ORS@Work (a workplace-focused version, also available from us in-house)

  • RSI@Work (available in-house from a network of licensed practitioners worldwide)


Your investment

Time and effort:

  1. Review and use what you learned in your Foundation course.

  2. Three full days of interactive learning, 8 hours each day.

  3. Flextime: At least an hour on the evenings of day 1 and 2 – deepening and applying the day’s learning.

  4. Before the next course: continue applying your learning with teams and partnerships in the real world.

  5. Course Fee:  R18,975 (inclusive).  You get 10% off if you register for all four modules and pay the full amount ahead of Intelligence Module


When you walk away from the Systems Intelligence module, you have the complete ORSC “Operating System” – the core coaching and leadership skills that underpin your work. Your are equipped to focus on the wisdom and capacity of the human system (couple, team, organisation) rather than the individual members and their drama.



You really get it about how to work with the wisdom and capability of the whole human system (organisation, team, partnership, couple) – rather than getting overly bogged down in individual fractiousness. You also treat change as something that is always with us, not an enemy but an exciting journey to be navigated. Your practical skills include:

  • A deceptively simple model for change that enables everybody to engage and be part of the solution

  • Rich and finely tuned antennae to take in the ways a human system expresses itself – enabling you to liberate the energy and wisdom of the team or partnership

  • Tools and skills to dive in and engage when things get rough: hearing all the voices, not backing away, finding clarity and purpose.


(Module 3)

ORSC Intermediate Module 3: Systems Geography

Here’s where we address so much of the pain that afflicts today’s world: we want to embrace diversity but seldom get the promised dividend. You walk away from this course with the tools and insights to really hold the challenges and liberate the opportunities that come from the differences and divisions that threaten to break businesses, communities and families apart.



You have to complete Advanced Module 1: Systems Intelligence before you can take the Geography course. Each module builds on the previous one in the ORSC series.


Your investment

Time and effort:

  1. Three full days of interactive learning, 8 hours each day.

  2. Flextime: At least an hour on the evenings of day 1 and 2 – deepening and applying the day’s learning.

  3. Before the next course: continue applying your learning with teams and partnerships in the real world.

  4. Course Fee:  R18,975 (inclusive).  You get 10% off if you register for all four modules and pay the full amount ahead of Intelligence Module

The Systems Geography module is intensely practical and you come away with some of the most popular and powerful ORSC tools used by practitioners globally



Your journey of personal and professional development continues: you have to “burn your wood” to be able to hold secure space for others to explore their differences with enough courage and safety. Your practical skills include:

  • Working with roles at multiple levels, from the functional “who does what” to the less tangible impact of “inner roles” from rebels to rescuers to fixers and more

  • Understanding and working constructively with the impact of the ghosts and past patterns that often bedevil our best efforts to move forward in business, family and society

  • The #1 favourite ORSC tool: Lands Work for a robust method of interrogating difference and negotiating common ground with empathy, depth and courage.

(Module 4)

ORSC Intermediate Module 4: Systems Path

Insight is only valuable if it leads to informed action. This module is about getting systems into action, informed by strategic vision that builds on the intelligence of the whole human system. It gets beyond that sense that one leader has to know the answers to everything!



You have to complete Advanced Module 2: Systems Geography before you can take the Path course. Each module builds on the previous one in the ORSC series.


Your investment

Time and effort:

  1. Three full days of interactive learning, 8 hours each day, some evening work as in previous modules.

  2. Course Fee:  R18,975 (inclusive).  You get 10% off if you register for all four modules and pay the full amount ahead of Intelligence Module

The Systems Path module gathers input and energy for informed action from a much wider and deeper variety of sources than traditional strategy and inspiration sessions, and sets you up to work with the radical uncertainty that is both the challenge and the opportunity of 21st century existence.



Your journey of personal and professional development continues: you have to “burn your wood” to be able to hold secure space for others to explore their differences with enough courage and safety. Your practical skills include:

  • Working with roles at multiple levels, from the functional “who does what” to the less tangible impact of “inner roles” from rebels to rescuers to fixers and more

  • Understanding and working constructively with the impact of the ghosts and past patterns that often bedevil our best efforts to move forward in business, family and society

  • The #1 favourite ORSC tool: Lands Work for a robust method of interrogating difference and negotiating common ground with empathy, depth and courage.


Systems Integration
(Module 5)

ORSC Intermediate Module 5: Systems Integration

This is where you put it all together. With the foundational model and the rich toolset already in the bag, you get to practice holistically and integrate your learning. Led by coaches with intimate knowledge and rich experience of applying ORSC in the real world across the continent of Africa and beyond, this is the most intensely practical of all.



You have to complete Advanced Module 3: Systems Path before you can take the Systems Integration course. Each module builds on the previous one in the ORSC series.


Your investment

Time and effort:

  1. Three full days of interactive learning, 8 hours each day, some evening work as in previous modules.

  2. Course Fee:  R18,975 (inclusive).  You get 10% off if you register for all four modules and pay the full amount ahead of Intelligence Module

The Systems Integration module puts it all together and gets super practical about how to coach long term systemic change, from your first conversation to project closure



It all looks different when you have gone around the bases of the previous modules – now we take a holistic view. You go from a single-issue specialist to a systems worker ready to lead and coach any team, organisation, community or couple to achieve sustainable change according to the agenda of their choice.


Your practical skills include:

  • How to get started with new (internal or external) clients in a deeply professional systemic methodology

  • Create integrated plans with your clients that address their agenda and draw on the full body of systemic tools – without having to teach or preach


Your certificate now contains enough ICF Accredited Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) to qualify for an ICF coaching credential provided you meet their other criteria for experience and mentorship (available from any ICF-accredited coach including us).


You are one of the second hundred fully ORSC-trained systemic team coaches on the continent of Africa and also eligible to join the rich, active and supportive ORSC Africa Community (email:

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